
Tracking DLA20 Outcomes

Its all about the data

If you work in the Behavioral Health industry you likely have heard of DLA-20 Functional Assessments. It is a clinical tool to measure the progress of participants receiving mental health services. The tool has gained national attention and is being implemented by more and more behavioral health providers.

I was contracted by a behavioral health provider that was utilizing the DLA-20 assessments to come up with a solution to report outcomes for participants and the entire organization. Their EHR system (Electronic Health Record) had the ability to store DLA-20 assessments, but the reporting functionality was woefully inadequate.

The result of that contract was the The Outcomes Tracker. The Outcomes Tracker is a database solution for entering and storing DLA-20 functional assessments and reporting outcomes for individual participants as well as the entire provider organization.

The Outcomes Tracker is available for licensing to other organizations. Details, pricing, and a video demonstration are available at

(I have no affiliation with the authors of the DLA-20 tool.)